As a global leader in fluid engineering and a recognized top employer, Sulzer is committed to being socially responsible. This includes promoting a safer, more inclusive and sustainable future — whether that means fostering inclusion through Women in Science and Engineering (WISE), developing a performance-based work environment or establishing a preventive safety culture. 

We understand the importance of creating more opportunities for women in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) to ensure their perspectives and diversity are better reflected in innovation.

Enabling safe running water and sanitation and ensuring a hygienic environment (WASH)

In our latest efforts to foster gender equity, we are proud to support WaterAid, a non-profit initiative aimed at ensuring access to sanitation facilities at public schools in Zambia, where young women often stop attending school due to menstruation.

Currently under construction and slated for completion in Q2 2023, Sulzer is supporting WaterAid to enable safe running water and sanitation and ensure a hygienic environment (WASH) at six schools in the Nkeyema District in west Zambia. WaterAid further supports gender equity by partnering with existing women's groups and businesses in plumbing, metalwork, bricklaying and tailoring to create the hygiene infrastructure for these schools.

Girls at school

Contributing to several UN Sustainable Development Goals, WaterAid is implementing a three-year project in Zambia with Sulzer’s support. The program will develop hygiene friendly facilities for menstruating girls at six local schools, while increasing knowledge of safe water and hygiene behaviors in targeted schools and communities. 

By creating a safe learning environment, we help improve the health and socioeconomic status of young girls and women in Zambia by better ensuring they can prolong their studies, gain valuable skillsets and contribute economically.

Tim Wainwright, Chief Executive of WaterAid, addresses the importance of Sulzer’s support: “Working in partnership is vital to WaterAid's mission, and it's through strong alliances with businesses like Sulzer that we can have a bigger impact and grow our work at scale, meaning we can help transform more lives with access to clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene.”

Learn more about WaterAid and Sulzer’s commitment to ESG and sustainability.

Image courtesy of Chileshe Chanda

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